“Ah,” Mistress answered. “That would be our local branch of the Office of Transitional Neoxenoveterinary Archaeobureaucracy.”
“Are they scary?”
“They can take a box of unassociated ashes and turn it back into legible documents, so I think so.”
- Hedra Rosa and Snuggly, in In Sleep We Fell by Fluxom
The Office of Transitional Neoxenoveterinary Archeobureaucracy is a meta-office which collects, updates, and formats documents produced prior to Domestication of any given civilization. Over the course of their operation, they seek to locate all paperwork, records, and other important bureaucratic items for each individual sophont under the Affini Compact's protection. Once this paperwork is located, it is enclosed in a properly formatted ‘container’ and included in the wider Affini Compact Bureaucratic Database. This includes all found versions of the document complete with timestamps for when the document became true, when it was discovered, and when it was received by the local node. This form of recordkeeping is nondestructive, and keeps both historical & up-to-date versions of the documents.