Spectrum Jellies - Jellyfish people, xenophilic, slightly outside of the Terran Accord sphere prior to the affini showing up. Willingly surrendered to the affini. Communicate via bioluminescence (Suck it Professor Stax!). Genetically engineered 12? humanoid forms after receiving a Terran SETI signal but didn't think that the Terrans might not communicate via bioluminescence. Affini upstaged them by being cool shapeshifters.
Quinoth, insectoid. High gravity world, semi crystalline carapace. Pretty & durable. Had more advanced biotech than humanity when the affini encountered them; still lost! Quinoth are insects with a semi-crystalline carapace that were encountered by the Affini around 100 Terran years ago.
Furool. Not usually found in the Milky Way, but known for having a problem with gambling in their pre-domestication era
Hurkín. Not usually found in the Milky Way, but known for their genetic engineering capabilities prior to domestication
Lumari, feathered reptilians known for their colorful aesthetics.
Hrulian Empire, a highly advanced authoritarian and militaristic civilization encountered by the affini approximately 126,000 years after Human Domestication. One of the few civilizations whose military technology posed any real trouble to the Affini Compact. Special consideration was paid to ethical dilemmas which arose from their domestication during completion of the Universe Ascension Project.
Myrmex, a species of ant-like xenos that are known to enjoy chewing on plant matter.
Independent Probe Units(Sometimes called Beepers), von neumann probes that out lived their progenitor species, discovered by Thatch and Katie Aquae!
Cyn, bovine creatures with three horns—the third upon their noses—who came to a similar conclusion on domestication for the betterment of the universe prior to first contact with the affini. It didn't take them much to realize that the Compact had perfected the art. Introduced in ADG Interlude C.
Mielyu, a fully-aquatic species of sophonts who live among jungles of seaweed and coral. They are sleek creatures with heads like that of a catfish and long tails that end in fins as well as arms sprouting from the sides of their bodies to allow them fine manipulation. Kinda like catfish mermaids! Introduced in Flotsam Heart.
Tigrasi, a tiger-like species that lean heavily on advanced prosthetics and translator drones to handle fine motor control, on account of their big useless bappy paws and the fact that they moo and growl like a big cat with those huge dumb cute toofs. First introduced in Abscission by reference, then given a name in Be My Valentine.
Sophont (plural sophonts) - An intelligent being or thing( in the case of non-person identities). Every species listed here (including Affini!) are sophonts.
Xeno (plural xenos) - An alien or member of another species from a different homeworld. The affini word translated to xeno stands for pet, as the Affini Compact views all other sophont species as adorable cuties perfect for domesticating.
Xenosophont (plural xenosophonts) - a term coined by the Compact (who love making compound words like Neoxenoveterinary) to refer to non-affini sophonts. Like the word xeno, xenosophont translates to pet in affini languages.
The Affini Compact has encountered (and domesticated!) far more species than can be listed here! So feel free to come up with new species of sophonts under the vines of the Compact across the many galaxies it's in. The Affini Compact is also ever expanding! (imperialism is bad but we'll ignore that because plants hot) That means that more and more species are being added to the Compact all the time, like terrans.
The Terran Accord on the other hand had only officially discovered the Rinans prior to the Affini Compact. They had on the other hand received long distance communications from the Spectrum Jellies, their other nearby species, but the Accord never realized what the signals were due to language differences.
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